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Project Management Processes
Part of a series of notes, developed with an internal control perspective, to help Centers
and their internal auditors review their own internal management processes from the
point of view of managing risks and promoting value for money, and to identify where
improvement efforts could be focused
This note focuses on the processes for managing research activities undertaken in support of projects in
CGIAR Centers’ medium-term plans. Terminology varies between CGIAR Centers, but for
convenience, these research activities are referred to as (small “p”) “projects” in these notes.
Management processes that govern project activities should support the following objectives:
relevance and impact
result dissemination
plemented in most, if not all,
edition and it is hoped that, with feedback from Centers and some experience with its use as an
further resource mobilization
his note attempts to capture, in the form of good practices, general principles of project activity T
management to support the achievement of these objectives. These are drawn from project management
theory and good practices in the scientific research sector, including from within the CGIAR system.
ome of the good practices documented in this note are already being imS
Centers, some are goals of Centers but are not yet implemented, and some may provide new ideas for
Centers working on improving their project management processes.
It is also hoped that this note will stimulate discussion within the CGIAR System about the utility of a
format for harmonizing project management practices and systems among Centers.
This note represents a “mile wide inch deep” analysis of project management issues. This is the first
Good Practice Note –Project Management Processes 1

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown