White Copy – Housing Office Yellow Copy – Student File Pink Copy – Student
Current residents requesting a release from their present Housing Contract and assignment must complete this form
with a Housing staff member prior to departure. Completed forms must be submitted to the Office of Housing &
Residence Life along with any associated supporting documentation. Review this form in its entirety for detailed
release descriptions and procedures.
The Contract for Housing and Dining Service is a legally binding contract with the university, the contract period
being for the entire academic year. Failure to fulfill the obligations outlined in the contract may result in loss of deposit
and additional contract termination charges. Release from contract without penalty is subject to review by Housing.
Please see reverse for descriptions of release terms and associated fees.
Name: __________________________________________________
G#: _______________________________________
Email: ____________________________________@mail.gvsu.edu
Phone: ____________________________________
Building/Room: __________________________________________
Move-out Date: ____________________________
Cancel Term: Fall/Winter____ Winter____ Spring/Summer____
Cancel meal plan: Yes No
If you have an active housing application for a future contract period and you do not intend to return to campus, please
cancel future semester applications online at www.gvsu.edu/housing/cancel.
Please select the option(s) that best describe(s) your situation. See detailed descriptions of each on reverse.
Withdrawing from GVSU (All current and future semester courses must be dropped in Banner)
Transferring to another college or university (All current and future semester courses must be dropped in Banner)
GVSU Study Abroad (Through Padnos International Center)
Participation in a GVSU program outside of Kent/Ottawa counties (internship, clinicals, student teaching, etc.)
Graduation (Documentation must be available in Banner)
Change in medical status
Change in financial status
Academic or judicial dismissal/suspension
Active military service (Provide copy of active duty orders)
Marriage occurring during the term of contract (Submit a copy of your marriage certificate)
Contract buyout
Special circumstance
Please review descriptions on reverse for associated documentation requirements.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________
Date Submitted: _________________
HRL Staff Signature: _______________________________________________
Date Received: __________________