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American Baptist Homes of the West
February 13, 2015 Friday Publish Draft of Budget Calendar to all stakeholders
February 27, 2015 Friday Prepare "Budget Assumptions" document for Senior
Financial Operations
February 27, 2015 Friday Prepare "Preliminary Planning Parameters" document Financial Operations
February 27, 2015 Friday Publish CCRC targets CFO,COM, Operations
February 27, 2015 Friday ABHOW Board is updated with "Preliminary Planning
Parameters" for FY2016 Budget
March 11, 2015 Wednesday ABHOW Annual Meeting (3/11/15 to 3/14/15) ABHOW Board
March 31, 2015 Tuesday Executive Directors to begin communication with Home Office
Operations to Understand budget parameters, assumptions, and
initial community targets
Executive Directors &
HO Operations
March 31, 2015 Tuesday Communities should begin to forecast Capital Budget needs for
the remainder of the current year and the coming budget year.
Executive Director &
Local Boards
April 1, 2015 Wednesday SAP Budget system open for FY2016 Budget input by the
Communities. Comparisons to Target Setting parameters will
be reviewed.
All Budget
April 14, 2015 Tuesday
Insurance, Interest expense, & benefit rates updated in SAP
Financial Operations
April 30, 2015 Thursday Preliminary Capital Budget requests submitted to Home Office
for consideration. Final Capital Budget will be determined by
available cash from budgeted Operations and Entry Fees.
Executive Director &
Local Boards
May 1, 2015 Friday
Initial occupancy levels recommendations for target
development confirmed
HO Operations &
Seniority Sales and
May 8, 2015 Friday Community sales and marketing studies complete. Includes
financial plan. Copy forwarded to Financial Operations
Seniority & Executive
May 15, 2015 Friday
1st Draft Budget input due
All Budget
May 29, 2015 Friday
CapEx budget requests refined and adjustments submitted. Final
Capital Budget will be determined by available cash from
budgeted Operations and Entry Fees.
Executive Directors
This Budget Calendar is intended to provide a general timeline along with due dates of steps necessary to complete the 2016 Budget.
It includes steps to be performed by Executive Director and community staff, with involvement from Local Advisory Boards and the
community Budget & Finance Committee (which includes resident participation).
The Executive Director will work with the Local Advisory Board & community Budget & Finance Committee to educate, solicit budget
input, and review budget assumptions. The exact nature of this interaction and the participants in this process will vary by
community. The ultimate goal is for the Local Advisory Board to gain enough understanding and general agreement with the budget
assumptions to be able to recommend it's adoption to both the residents and the ABHOW Board. The Local Advisory Board needs to
ensure that community Budget & Finance Committee meetings have been scheduled to accommodate the deadlines outlined in this
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Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats. | Howard Aiken