HTML Preview Access Invoice Report page number 1.

There are, of course, charges and fees involved in ordering credit reports and supplements. Please contact
your CRA for a detailed rate schedule.
MCL allows you to instantly look up your invoices, instead of relying solely on your CRA to mail them to
you. All users can access invoices for a given report from the credit file screen or from the desktop for a
particular loan number. Administrators and authorized users can also issue a general query to find
monthly invoice for the entire company or for a particular user.
If you're unsure about abbreviations listed on invoices, refer to the Invoice Codes section of the FAQ.
From Credit Files
Each credit file has a summary of charges listed on the credit file screen. You can also generate an
invoice for the particular credit report by clicking on the View Invoice link on the credit file screen.
This will load a Web-based invoice similar to the following illustration:
This results in a detailed invoice of all your transactions on a specific credit report.
The Print button at the top of the screen will print this invoice, and the Close button will close it.
Invoices and Payments
Invoices 1

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky