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Workplace Safety Committee Meeting Agenda
Thursday, June 12, 2014--- 3:00pm
Conference Room #100---First Floor
Ogle County Courthouse
Tours of Ogle County properties on June 12
with approximate times for insurance review will
be as follows:
8:30 am Probation facility, 1054 Lincoln Highway, Rochelle
9:00 am Focus House IL 251 N, Rochelle
10:00 am Ogle County Highway Department #2 S, Oregon
11:00 am Ogle County Health/Zoning/Solid Waste Pines Road Annex, Oregon
1:00 pm Ogle County Sheriff Department conference 103 Jefferson St, Oregon
Ogle County jail 5
St, Oregon
2:00 pm Ogle County Judicial Center 5
St, Oregon
Please make sure all electronic devices are turned to the OFF position for meeting
Committee members: Marcia Heuer, Judge Robert Hanson, Doreen O’Brien, Matt McKeel, Jim
Getzleman, John Coffman, Curtis Cook
Contract Risk Consultant, Gallagher Bassett Services, Jim Sredzinski
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Minutes of January 16, 2014 meeting
3. Public Comment
4. Tour goals and results:
a. Focus House tour to identify fire, safety and liability hazards
1. Discuss training needs
b. Ogle County Highway Department to identify fire, safety and liability hazards
1. Discuss training needs
c. Ogle County Health Department to identify fire, liability and safety hazards
1. Discuss training needs
d. Ogle County Sheriff to discuss policies and procedures and training needs
1. Tour of Ogle County Jail to identify fire, liability, and safety hazards

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right! | Henry Ford