HTML Preview Candidate Evaluation Form page number 1.

Search for Director of Orange Media Network
Candidate name: ___________________________________________________________________
A position description is on the back page.
1. What strengths do you believe this candidate will bring to the position? Are there compelling reasons to offer
the position to the candidate? Please explain.
2. Are there compelling reasons why the candidate should not serve in this position? Please explain.
3. Any other comments regarding this candidate for this search committee to consider?
4. Overall rating for the candidate (circle one): Excellent Good Acceptable Unacceptable
Your name and department/unit (optional):__________________________________________________________
Please note that your evaluative comments will only be shared with the search committee and will remain in strict
Your evaluative comments should be emailed to or submitted to Marriah De La
Vega, Memorial Union Guest Services, 112 Memorial Union, no later than 5pm on Monday, May 18th.

People are best convinced by things they themselves discover. | Ben Franklin