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* Non-Agenda Items
City Code Sec. 2-57. Citizen Appearance. Any citizen of the City of Spartanburg may speak at a regular meeting on any matter
pertaining to City Services and operations germane to items within the purview and authority of City Council, except personnel
matters, by signing a Citizen’s Appearance form prior to the meeting stating the subject and purpose for speaking. No item
considered by Council within the past twelve (12) months may be added as an agenda item other than by decision of City
Council. The forms may be obtained from the Clerk and maintained by the same. Each person who gives notice may speak at the
designated time and will be limited to a two (2) minute presentation.
*Agenda Items
City Code Sec. 2-56. Addressing Council, Comments or Remarks to Council on Agenda Items Not Requiring Public Hearing. On
agenda items not requiring a Public Hearing, please provide to the City Clerk prior to the opening of the meeting, your desire to
speak on an agenda item. Remarks shall be limited to five (5) minutes and total remarks on any agenda item shall not exceed
twenty (20) minutes.
City Council Retreat
George Dean Johnson College of Business and Economics
Room 232
160 East St. John Street
Spartanburg, SC
Saturday, February 6, 2016
9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment
*Citizen Appearance forms available at the door and should be submitted to the City
III. Introduction of Meeting Facilitator
IV. Facilitated Discussion
V. Financial Overview
VI. Lunch
VII. Prioritization of Projects and Initiatives
VIII. Additional Facilitated Discussion
IX. Adjournment
As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Spartanburg will provide interpretive services for the City Council
Meetings. Requests must be made to the Communications & Marketing Office (596-2020) 24 hours in advance of the meeting. This is a
Public Meeting and notice of the meeting was posted with the Media 24 hours in advance according to the Freedom of Information Act.

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields