HTML Preview Apartment Contract Termination Letter page number 1.

* Notice can only be delivered to an email address or fax number where that address or number has been provided by
the landlord as an address for service in the tenancy agreement. For advice on other delivery options visit the website or
call the 0800 number below.
Address for service details listed for both parties should match what is recorded on the tenancy agreement unless the
details have changed and the other party has been notified of the change.
For tenancy advice and information visit or call 0800 TENANCY (0800 836 262)
T186 10/15
Landlord’s name:
Landlord’s address:
Tenancy at:
This letter serves as notice to terminate the periodic tenancy agreement at the above address.
The last day of the tenancy will be _____ / _____ / __________.
The Residential Tenancies Act 1986 requires me to give you not less than 21 days notice to
terminate the agreement.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
* Delivery:
By (tick):
mail (*allow 4 extra working days)
placed into letterbox or attached to the door (* allow 2 extra working days)
Sent via email or faxed to landlord after 5pm (*allow 1 extra working day)
hand to landlord, sent via email or faxed before 5pm on the date of the notice
(the first day of the notice period will be the next calendar day)

The worst part of success is to try to find someone who is happy for you. | Bette Midler