A. Charitable $
B. Non-charitable
C. Total Proceeds (A+B) $
Expenses (attach supporting documentation):
E. Non-cash prizes
G. Food/Beverage Costs
J. Total Expenses (D+E+F+G+H+I)
I. Proceeds Over/(Under) Expenses (C-J) $
1 Enter the total amount paid as cash prizes.
2 Enter the fair market value of the noncash prizes paid or given out.
3 Enter the expenses paid or incurred for the rent or lease of property or facilities.
4 Enter the amount of expenses paid or incurred for food and beverage.
5 Enter the amount of expenses paid or incurred for entertainment.
6 Enter the amount of all other direct expense items (printing, supplies, etc.).
Fundraising Event/Activity Financial Report
This form should be completed within one month of the event date.
Route to LSU Foundation, Attn: Monica Derozan
Submitted by: __________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________