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Bonnie Milligan
!! Height: 5ʼ8”! ! Hair: Dark Blonde!! Eyes: Blue
New York Theatre
A Girl Called Vincent!! ! Cora!! ! The York Theatre (39Hr Reading)
Cu! Me!"" " " Kate/multiple roles" Entertainment Events
a cautionary tail"" " Koren"" " The Flea Theatre
These Seven Sicknesses*"" Nurse "" " The Flea Theatre
Restoration Comedy**"" " Hoyden""The Flea Theatre
Tales of an 8th Grade Nobody!! Agnes/multiple roles" Exit Pursued by A Bear (reading)
Scrooge"" " " Charwoman"" Village Light Opera Group
Goin’ South"" " " Amy"" " Scene It!
Hint"" " " " Thelma"" " NY International Fringe Festival
The Music Man"""Ethel To!elmier" Village Light Opera Group
My Life…"" " " Jesus"" " Primary Stages (reading)
The Comeback Tour"" " Molly"" " New York Theatre Experiment
Regional Theatre
A Bright Room Called Day"" Agnes "" " Ohio State Theatre (OH)
Book of Days"" " " Ruth"" " Curtain Players (OH)
Urinetown"" " " Soupy Sue"" Gallery Players (OH)
Songs for a New World"" Woman 2"" Club Diversity Theatre (OH)
A Midsummer Nightʼs Dream!! Egeus/Peaseblossom! Virginia Arts Festival (VA, OH, NY tour)
Agnes of God" """Dr Livingston"" Strollers Theatre (OH)
Desdemona"" " " Desdemona"" Women’s Explosive Theatre (OH)
The Sound of Music"" " Maria"" " Archbold Players (OH)
A Girl’s Gotta Eat"" " B"" " Club Diversity Theatre (OH)
*2012 Drama Desk Nominee for Best Direction of a play, dir. Ed Sylvanus Iskandar
**2013 Drama Desk Nominee for Best Direction of a play, dir. Ed Sylvanus Iskandar
Once Upon a Time in New York City ! Soloist!! ! Joeʼs Pub
Adam Gwon at 54 Below !! Soloist/Ensemble! 54 Below
BA in Theatre, Honors and Distinction from The Ohio State University, Magna cum Laude
OSU Training-Meisner & Stanislavski Acting Techniques, Kristin Linklater Voice, Lessac
Movement, Advanced Viewpoints and Suzuki Movement, Advanced Dialects and Edith Skinner
IPA Training, Basic Modern/Tap/Musical Theatre Dance
Theatre du Complicite, London-Acting/Movement
Improbable Theatre, London-Acting/Improvisation
Shared Experience, London-Acting
Upright Citizens Brigade-Improvisation
Shakespeare-Ian Hersey
Linklater Voice Technique-Elena McGhee
Special Skills
Mezzo/belter, gospel singing, Celine Dion singing impersonation, Basic piano, Standard British,
Cockney, Irish, French, Southern & Midwestern accents, advanced primary source dialect
analysis, passport, good with children and animals, boob flexing, squirrel noises

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda