Management Meeting
6 October 2016 1600hrs - 1700 CEST
Meeting minutes
Shantanu Mathur (IFAD), Iris Krebber (DFID), Mushtaq Ahmed (Global Affairs Canada), Annelene
Bremer (BMZ)
Secretariat: Reinhild Ernst, Christian Mersmann, Marion Thompson, Romy Sato, Martina
Karaparusheva, Jedi Bukachi
1. Information about co-chairmanship by IFAD
2. Annual General Assembly and high level meeting
3. Administration issues
4. CFS meetings
5. Website improvement
1. Information about co-chairmanship by IFAD
Shantanu Mathur from IFAD gave an update on the status of the co-chairmanship, updating that the
official letter from IFAD is being drafted. The delay in receiving the official letter is because the Platform
agenda is cutting across several different departments of IFAD and not only the department of the focal
point Shanthanu Mathur.
2. AGA and high level meeting
The secretariat updated that after a visit to the European Commission, it was agreed that the AGA would
take place in Brussels on 1 – 2 February 2017. In terms of the concept of the meeting, the January 2016
board decision to have a high level meeting would now result in a new format for the AGA.
A first suggested format was offered by BMZ who proposed:
1. A high level (directors level) morning on the 1
of February, and then in the afternoon the directors
have an opportunity to speak alone separately while the rest of the participant’s continue with the
discussion. The proposed topic of the high level half day meeting is “The future of agriculture and
rural development in international development cooperation.”
2. The member’s day on 2
Feb would then be half a day instead of a full day.
3. 3
of February would be the board meeting.