HTML Preview Sale Purchase Receipt page number 1.

Provided by Claims Management & Adjusting Ltd ( in association with The Vehicle Inspection
Company (UK) Ltd. T/A (
There are many reasons why it is important to obtain or give a signed purchase receipt
when buying or selling a vehicle.
θ It’s evidence of what was said by the vendor; the car is theirs to sell, is not stolen,
on finance or previously written off
θ If you are stopped by the police before you are the keeper, a receipt assist to
establish title
θ If it transpires there is a problem with the vehicle, the receipt will assist you to
establish your innocence
θ You can buy with a little more confidence knowing that the vendor has signed
something and you possess a formal record of their details
θ A registration document is not evidence of ownership – the DVLA record ‘keepers’;
in the UK we have no title register.
θ In the event you need to make an insurance claim, having a record of the
transaction will assist the smooth progression of your claim
θ In the event of a problem or dispute you can refer to the document. Remember; a
verbal contract is worth the paper it is written on!
θ If you start to receive parking tickets – it’s good evidence to demonstrate your
What to do with a purchase receipt:
θ Keep it safe; don’t leave it in the car!
θ Place it in a brown paper envelope and leave it alone, in a place that you can recall,
until needed (if ever).
The following documents are intended to assist you when undertaking a vehicle purchase
and are provided free to customers upon completing a car data check.

The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas of enthusiasm. | Thomas J. Watson