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University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
General Policy on Specimen Loans
The Museum of Zoology (UMMZ) provides loans of preserved specimens and related
materials from its collections for scientific research. Each Division has its own special
policies as they apply to the unique nature of the various groups of animals and how they
are studied. Please refer to the appropriate divisional web page for specific policies.
Loans are made only to faculty, curators, and permanent research staff at recognized
institutions with facilities to properly house and care for specimens. Our general policy is
that individuals who are not affiliated with an institution may request a loan of material
only if they have made prior arrangements with an appropriate person at a recognized
institution for housing of specimens. Any exceptions to the general policy will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate Curators. All requests (1) must be
made in writing, (2) should include a brief statement about the proposed use of the
material, and (3) must be approved by an UMMZ Curator or Collections Manager. Loans
for use by graduate students or post-docs must be co-signed through the individual's
major advisor.
Invasive procedures are not permitted without expressed written permission. If
permission is granted to remove specimen parts, e.g., reproductive organs or stomach
contents, those parts must be labeled with the UMMZ catalogue number by the
researcher and returned with the specimens. Any slide preparations, e.g., SEM stubs,
histological, karyological, are to be returned properly labeled. Removal of hair or skin
samples, insect legs, or other tissues for molecular analyses are considered invasive
procedures and written permission must be obtained in advance (see policy relating to
tissue/DNA loans)
The borrower must sign and return a copy of the loan invoice to acknowledge safe receipt
of specimens. Specimen damage that occurs during transit should be reported
immediately. The borrower is liable for damage that occurs during handling of specimens.
Loans are generally made for a period of 6 to 12 months. Requests for loan extensions,
and for permission to transfer specimens from one institution to another, must be made in
writing. When specimens are returned to the UMMZ, they should be shipped in a secure
container, and if insured, for the same value as they were originally sent.
Unless otherwise requested, domestic loans will be shipped via US Postal Service, or via
commercial carrier. For foreign loans, the borrower also is responsible for providing
copies of all relevant import and export permits. If permits are not necessary, that should
be stated in writing at the time of the request.

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin