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RSPO Secretariat Sdn Bhd
Company No.: 787510-K
Unit A-33A-2, Level 33A, Tower A
Menara UOA Bangsar,
No.5 Jln Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone : +603-2302 1500/
Fax : +603 2201 4053
Email :
of September 2012
Carmine Farnan
Senior Vice President
Herakles Farms
277 Park Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10172
Re: Herakles farm withdrawal from RSPO
We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 24
August 2012, the contents of which,
indicate that Herakles Farms wishes to withdraw it’s RSPO membership and thus
triggering as well the withdrawal of your company’s submission with the RSPO’s New
Planting Procedures process.
We respect the decision made by your company and we wish the best for Herakles
Farms in engaging with stakeholders in the ongoing palm oil developments in Africa.
Needless to say, your withdrawal from RSPO will mean that claims linking your
company’s activities and RSPO would need to cease immediately. For example,
promotional and website material, that makes claims of RSPO membership and
compliance with our rules and standards.
We wish to inform that we will be posting a short announcement of your withdrawal in
our website.
or the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),
Darrel Webber
Secretary General

The only way around is through. | Robert Frost