HTML Preview Sample Formal Invitation Letter page number 1.

Dear ___________
I would like to invite you to visit Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(JLab Jefferson Laboratory) for a period of ____________ (days, weeks or
months), beginning on or about _______________ (mmddyy of appointment
start). This visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to
the __________________ Division's work on (subject of meetings, workshop,
discussions, or research).
(Describe here everything that will be offered by the lab by way of support:
travel and living expenses or reimbursement, stipend, per diem,
honorarium, computer account, email account, etc.):
We will provide you with workspace and other work-related support as needed.
We understand that you will arrange funding for the remainder of your expenses.
If you have any questions about the visit, please contact __________ at _____ or
by email ([email protected]).
(In case of JSA monetary support, please add): Please note that this payment
may have tax implications, which could include being subject to mandatory tax
withholding under U.S. federal regulations.
(Next paragraphs are to be used only if visitor/researcher is coming to JLab
directly from abroad use the appropriate visa type paragraph ):
(Applicable for J1:) We are informed that a J-1 visa is the most appropriate
classification for your visit here. International Services will contact you shortly
with instructions on how you will receive the DS-2019 application. Once issued,
you will need to take the DS-2019, along with the enclosed Support Letter, to the
nearest American Consulate to request a visa stamp in your passport for entry.
(Applicable for B1:) We are informed that a B1 Business visa is the most
appropriate classification for your visit here. In that respect, please take the
enclosed Support Letter, along with your valid passport, to the nearest American
Consulate and request a visa stamp for entry.
(Applicable for WB:) We are informed that a Visa Waiver for Business (WB) is
the most appropriate classification for your visit here. In that respect, please use
the enclosed Support Letter, along with your valid passport, to enter the United
States. An immigration officer will issue an I-94 card or stamp for you to be legal

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. | Donald Trump