HTML Preview Medical Resume page number 1.

This resource is designed to serve as a guidance document in developing your academic
CV. For individual assistance and feedback, please contact BCM’s Career Development
Center at[email protected] or 713-798-5043.
Medical Student CV Template
Jane Doe
City, State, Zip
Arial, Times or Calibri font
10 point or larger font size.
Increased font size for name
.5-1” page margins
List dates either immediately
after degree or right aligned.
Ensure this formatting is
consistent throughout all
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Doctor of Medicine, anticipated May 20XX
Track (if applicable)
Gold Humanism Honor Society and/or Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (if applicable)
Undergraduate Institution, City, State Abbrev 20XX 20XX
Degree (Include academic honors and list as: Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, Biology)
Minor (if applicable)
G.P.A. (optional)
- Include STEP score(s) if 240 or above
- Include any notable study abroad experience
- Do not include high school related information
Award, Sponsor, Date
- List academic honors (e.g. Deans List) and memberships (e.g. Phi Beta Kappa). Repeat Latin honors listed in
Education section.
- List merit based scholarships and fellowships. Optional: include a brief annotation summarizing the award
(e.g. Full merit scholarship toward medical school) and/or criteria (e.g. Awarded to top 5% of students
- List all professional awards including travel awards and research presentation awards
- If there are substantial awards from both undergrad and medical school, consider creating subheadings:
Award, Sponsor, Date
Medical School
Award, Sponsor, Date

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower