Division of Human Resources
RECRUITMENT PLAN FOR: _________________________________________
Action Items & Activities Projected
Development and Approval of Performance
Management Tool (PMT)
Salary Range Determination for Position
(Internal & External Equity) and Verification of
Position Authorization and Funding
Generate Position Approval Form and Submit to
Finance for Budget Review and Approval
Discuss and Approve Recruitment Strategy:
- Search Committee(s)
- No Search Committee
- National, Regional, Local, or Internal Search
- Executive Search Consultant
Develop Ad and Advertising Sources
- Print Media
- Non-Print Media
- Web Sources
Develop Communication Plan for Start and End
of Search:
- Department/Division
- Campus Community
- Community AT-Large
Select and Train Interview Committee Members
- Diversity of the Committee Members
- The Role of the Committee
- Effective Interviewing
- Format for Pre-Screening and Interviewing
Approve Ad and Submit for Placement in
Selected Recruitment Sources
Resumes/Applicants are Pre-Screened and
Ranked by Members of the Committee, Executive
Search Firm, or Hiring Manager Based on Pre-
established Criteria