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28 March 2012
Dear valued customer,
This letter serves as formal notification that, as part of our principal’s, Panasonic Electronic Devices Co.
Ltd. (“PED”), corporate development strategy to streamline its current global operations in the Asia Pacific
region, the production and sales of Transformer products in Panasonic Electronic Devices Singapore Pte.
Ltd. (“PEDSG”) will be discontinued effective from April 2013.
In line with this business restructuring exercise, although some of products will be ceased in production,
the business of other remaining products will be will be transferred and handled by Panasonic Electronic
Devices (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. (“PEDJM”) located at Jianmen City, Guangdong, CHINA to continue
serving all our existing customers.
PEDSG acknowledge the obligation to promptly inform our customers of the intent to enable our customers
the ability to prepare for alternatives for discontinued products and/or assist in business transferring
process to PEDJM.
For models that will be discontinued in production, our intent is to support these products for a limited time
in order to allow for future planning by all of our customers, therefore, we will offer last time buy
opportunities to support your needs. In principle, the date for last order acceptance will be September 2012
so as to enable us to allocate production resources.
PEDSG appreciates and values our business relationship and looks forward to your continued support in
other businesses while we regret any inconvenience this announcement may cause to your operation.
Attached herewith is the list of models that are affected by the change of manufacturing site and
production discontinuation.
We seek your kind understanding and co-operation towards smooth transfer/discontinuation of
Transformer business. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to channel through our sales office
or the following personnel:
Person-In-Charge Contact No. Email Address
Mr. Tan Boon Phai, General Manager +65-6444 3962
Mr. See Chun Hwa, Principal Engineer +65-
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Edward Goh Shwi Chu
Executive Director

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