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Elementary Music Lesson Plan—4
Hickory Dickory Dare Ostinato Lesson
Ostinato: A Rhythmic Pattern that Repeats
Objective: Students will experience and chant an ostinato that gradually expands into a
4-part chant. They will also create original ostinato patterns on their own.
Materials: CP300 Portable Document Camera & SmartBoard
Start the lesson with the following rhyme with a steady beat patsch...
Hickory dickory dare.
The pig flew up in the air.
The man in brown soon brought him down.
Hickory dickory dare.
Yes, you will have numerous "wide-eyes" and lots of "what the..." But, keep repeating
until the students begin to say it with you.
Using the below manipulatives (3D objects are best, but pictures are fine too), place
each part of the ostinato pattern on the document camera that is connected to and
projected on the SmartBoard and ask students to identify. See if they can determine
from the rhyme what the manipulative represents.
Once they are comfortable saying the rhyme and can do it by themselves, tell them
you're going to try to trick them while they're saying the rhyme. While they say the
rhyme, you say the ostinato pattern of:
Speech Pig Pig Pig See The
Motions Pat Pat Pat Make glasses with fingers
The rhythm in 12/8 time is 3 dotted-quarters, quarter-eighth.
(I don't talk about the meter or the swing feel at this point.)
Now half the class says the rhyme, the other half says the ostinato while keeping the
hand motions going.

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown