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Sample Hardship Letter
A hardship letter is used to request a temporary reduction or suspension of payments due
to financial hardship. You can also make this request over the phone, but you may want
to follow up with a letter confirming what was said.
Some tips for writing a hardship letter:
Explain the reasons for your hardship clearly and concisely. Include any
supporting documentation that you have (e.g., copy of your unemployment
awards letter).
Be specific about the remedy you are seeking, and don’t promise to send more
money than you can reasonably afford.
Send the letter via certified mail to the creditor’s address for billing inquiries and
concerns, and keep a copy for your records.
John Q. Public
345 Anywhere St
San Francisco, CA 94115
Account Number 1234567910111213
February 18, 20x0
XYZ Credit Corporation
123 Main Rd
Central City, CA 94123
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to ask for your assistance. On February 1, my hours at work were cut in half, and my
salary was reduced from $2,400 a month to $1,200 a month. Enclosed is a copy of my most
recent paystub, which shows my reduced hours and salary. Based on my current income and
expenses, including my $700 mortgage payment and $200 car loan payment, I am not able to
make my regular credit card payments. In place of my payment of $100 per month, I ask that you
accept $30 per month for the next four months starting in March. I will pay by the 15
of the
I will be looking for a second job during this time period and do not expect any difficulty resuming
my regular payments in July. If there is any additional documentation or information that you
would like from me or this arrangement is not acceptable to you, please contact me. My
telephone number is (555) 788-9123, and the best time of the day to reach me is between 2 p.m.
and 5 p.m.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
John Q. Public

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. | Warren Buffett