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2013 DTR Action Team
Meeting Report Form
IMPORTANT: The Team’s work is IN PROGRESS. This is simply a report to reflect the
Team’s activities on this particular meeting day. The Team’s proposals may change before
end of the process in July 2013.
Use this form to capture the Team’s activities and proposed implementation action items.
(Note: The format of this form is intentionally very basic to simplify completion at the end of the meeting.
Will be transferred to another format before publishing on the DTR website for public viewing.)
1. Meeting Date: April 6, 2013
2. Action Team Name: DMAP
3. Data reviewed, presentations viewed or any experts heard from today:
-historical trends in deer harvest Pritzl
-DMAP in other states Roepke
-Possible DMAP components in WI , a starting point - Roepke
4. Main topics discussed by Team today:
- Reviewed other state programs
-Assignment sheet prioritization
-DMAP in WI will not mimic other states and will vary across regions within WI as well
5. Additional questions or information requests made by the Team today:
-copy of PowerPoint slides used
-MFL applicability review
6. Implementation Action Items proposed or discussed by the Team today:
-What should the pilot look like? What will be the incentive?
7. Any general comments or considerations (if any) Team would like noted:
-recognizing this is a cooperative venture between hunters, landowners, and DNR

A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. | Unknown