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Brooklyn Technical High School Randy J. Asher, Principal
29 Fort Greene Place · Brooklyn, New York · 11217 · Telephone: (718) 804 - 6400 · Fax: (718) 804 - 6535 ·
School Leadership Team Agenda
April 14, 2011
R. Asher, Principal
E. Morano, PTA Co-President
D. Baldwin, UFT Chair
T. Evangelist, AP Science
K. Cera, PTA, SLT Chairman
R. Lehrman UFT
S. Mayham, BTAF
D. Gold, PTA
L. Parizman, UFT
I. Ahmad, Student
E. Green, PTA
J. Azrilyant, Student
C.Ying, PTA
1. Call to order at 4:40pm.
2. Approval of prior meeting minutes. The minutes were sent via email. There was a typo in item
number five. Also there was an error between the words “per session” and “comp time” in item number nine.
Minutes were approved and changes were adopted.
3. Student print station. There is good news. We can purchase software where students can use a debit
card and use it to print from a print station. The students will pay by the page, lower than the price at Staples.
7N7 looks to be a location. The trick is to get two machines up and running at $20,000 and $3 per card. We
could include the cards in the freshman packet. Lease, ink/toner and, maintenance would be covered under the
fees. The Mouse Squad would be able to oversee the printing service. We will need to field test and get it up
and running over the summer. The system has to be able to fight off viruses.
4. Vacation homework policy. There have been changes since the last time we’ve met. Vacation
homework can only be assigned by all English classes, core history classes (including AP), Health, Math
(including all AP), all LOTE classes, Chemistry, Biology, Physics (including all Science AP) and DDP.
Vacation homework needs to have a five day buffer before/after breaks. This excludes reading assignments.
Exams cannot be given the first day back from a vacation. We need to remember that the homework given
should not be longer than a weekend assignment. This policy as a whole seems to only favor the seniors and
not do much for the other grades. The assignments seem to need to have a time limit – they need to be no
longer than any usual homework assignment per four days we have off. We also need to keep in mind that each
vacation is varying in length of days we have off. Mr. Asher will put this by the faculty meeting on May 2,
2011. We should be able to finalize this by next SLT meeting.
5. CEP planning retreat. We need to set a date. Summer should be avoided. Thursday, May 26, 2011
will be the date. We will cancel our meeting for May 19
as compensation for this added meeting. We will
start at 9:00am. This will be an all day event to create the three year plan.
6. PTA report. The Gala was successful, over $15,000 raised. Well put together as a whole! Perhaps a
faculty talent show might be more entertaining next time? We know for next year to gather materials for next
year. The number of faculty there, other than PE, was low. Maybe next year we could do it the Friday night of
Homecoming. This might bring in more money. The parents seemed to like the parent to faculty interaction
that night.
7. Principal’s report. The budget for next year has left us in the black as there was a change in
chancellor. The shortfall in the city is $700,000,000 for the fall. This is because of the stimulus funds which
have run out. Network teams will be cut and the majority of the cuts will aim at central. Parent coordinators

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