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Volume V, Issue II, February 2016 IJLTEMAS ISSN 2278 2540 Page 55
B2C Services Content Marketing
Dr. Srilatha T Palekar
Assistant Professor,
Global Business School and Research Center, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra
Services make up the bulk of today‘s economy across India
and in developed economies around the world. In todays
growing economy, marketing is a systematic process of
making the prospective consumers aware about the services
available. Marketing is always carried out by following a
strategic and preplanned route. Services are intangible
products provided either by a business to another business
(B2B) or by a business to consumers (B2C).
Services marketing relates to the marketing of services,
as opposed to tangible products. Marketing is about
communicating the value of a product or service to customers
or consumers for the purpose of promoting or selling it. The
oldest and the easiest form of marketing is 'word of mouth'
marketing, in which consumers convey their experiences of a
product, service or brand in their day-to-day communications
with others.
The object of this study is to understand how a service
provider markets his/her intangible products to consumers or
customers. Service marketing is a sub-field of marketing,
which can be split into the two main areas of goods marketing
(which includes the marketing of fast moving consumer goods
(FMCG) and durables) and services marketing. Services
marketing typically refers to both business to consumer (B2C)
and business to business (B2B) services, and includes
marketing of services such as telecommunications services,
financial services, all types of hospitality services, car rental
services, air travel, health care services and professional
Services are (usually) intangible economic activities offered
by one party to another. Effective service marketing is
essential to any service provider to ensure satisfactory sales
and increased profits. A recently proposed alternative view is
that services involve a form of rental through which customers
can obtain benefits.
Proper marketing of services contributes substantially to the
process of development. If innovative marketing principles
are followed in services marketing, the socio-economic
transformation will take place at a much faster rate.In the
service industry, developing and implementing successful
marketing programmes are necessary to foster a customer
orientation. Services marketing places ample emphasis on
selecting and balancing the right marketing mix elements.
Prof. Neil H. Borden of the Harvard Business School first
introduced the term ‗marketing mix‘ later; it became widely
used throughout the world. Marketing took place only after
the manufacture of product. With the advent of rapid
industrialisation, more and more varieties of products were
manufactured. Naturally, importance was given to marketing
activities. The role of service generating organisations became
"The marketing mix concept is a well established tool used as
a structure by marketers. It consists of the various elements of
a marketing programme, which need to be considered in order
to successfully implement the marketing strategy and
positioning in the company's market. It is the important
internal elements or ingredients that make up an organisation's
marketing programme". - Adrian Payne
"It is a combination of different sub mixes of the marketing
mix, such as product mix, promotion mix, price mix and the
place mix. Some of the experts also talk about sub mixes like
people, physical evidence and Process" - 8M. Jha
A marketer is viewed as a "decider" or "artist" or a "mixer of
ingredients" who designs marketing mix. "He may follow a
recipe prepared by others, or prepare his own as he goes along
or adopt a recipe to the ingredients immediately available, or
experiment with or invent ingredients no one else has tried". -
Neil Borden.
i) Research Design - The researcher aims at analyzing
retailers attitude towards selected branded processed
convenience food items marketed in city. Scientific enquiries
aimed at discovering the relations & interactions among
sociological, psychological and educational variable in a
situation among selected groups attitudes, values, perceptions
and behaviors.
Marketing isthe management process through which goods
and services move from concept to the customer. It includes
the coordination of four elements called the 4 P‘s of

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