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Performance Evaluation Form administrative-staff-performance-appraisal-template-sample-printable.doc
Reference Policy 6-21.2 Page 1 of 6
Administrative Staff Performance Evaluation Form #1Letter Scale
Employee Name:
Position Title:
Performance Evaluation Period:
Type of Review:
Mid Year:
Year End:
Strengthen two-way communication regarding job performance and periodically assess goals and
opportunities for the unit and the individual.
Establish a mutually-understood set of performance expectations.
Recognize contributions of employees.
Discuss opportunities for growth and development.
Provide necessary feedback when performance does not meet expectations as situations warrants in
addition to annual evaluation process.
Align employee performance with the mission and goals of the university and unit.
1. Supervisor requests prior year’s goals/objectives, general performance, associated outcomes as well
as other information relevant to the performance review process and reviews them with the
employee prior to discussing this year’s evaluation. (Page 6).
2. Employee submits prior year’s goals and their associated outcomes as well as other information
relevant to the performance review process at least one week before scheduled meeting (Page 6).
3. Supervisor reviews and compares the full range of this year’s performance to the past year and
completes all sections of the Performance Evaluation, following the instructions provided.
4. Supervisor provides a working draft of Performance Evaluation to the employee. Supervisor and
employee determine future meeting date and time.
5. Supervisor and employee meet to discuss the Performance Evaluation competency ratings.
6. Supervisor and employee create shared goals and objectives to enhance employee performance and
successful completion of departmental and BGSU goals and objectives.
7. The Overall Evaluation Rating is calculated according to the most frequently assigned Competency
Ratings and supervisor/employee discussions.
8. Upon completion of the performance evaluation discussion, the employee and supervisor sign the
evaluation. The employee and supervisor should utilize the comments section provide additional
explanations as needed.
9. Supervisor sends the signed copy to the second level supervisor for review and signature.
10. Once signed, the original document is sent to the Office of Human Resources. An electronic copy
may be provided to the employee upon request.
11. Supervisor and employee should then review employee’s Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) to
ensure that actual duties match job description and submit changes as needed.

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