Frequently Asked Questions
Inclement Weather/Emergency Closure, Policy #2207
Human Resources & Payroll Issues
1. In targeted cases (e.g. local power outage, extreme noise or smells, etc.) who
determines whether the office can close and university leave granted?
In cases where the outage or situation is expected to be protracted
, the supervisor, in
collaboration with his/her department head and Human Resources & Payroll, can make a
call to close an office due to a localized situation and grant university leave. Prior to
making such a determination, alternate arrangements should be attempted such as
relocating staff or utilizing informal telework or compressed schedule arrangements.
If a situation only impacts one person or a very small number of people, every effort
should be made to utilize one of the alternate arrangement described above. If an
alternate solution is not feasible, individual circumstances will dictate the type of leave to
be used.
2. How does Policy #2207 impact flexible work?
Employees on a formal or informal telework agreement are expected to work on their
telework day(s) during an inclement weather or emergency incident unless conditions
prohibit them from doing so (e.g. a regional black out). Full-time salaried employees on
a compressed schedule are eligible for up to 8 hours of university leave per day if the
university is closed for an inclement weather or emergency incident. Any difference in
their daily compressed hours must be made up by working or taking appropriate leave.
3. What if I cannot safely make it to work and the university is open?
Contact your supervisor and ask if you can either telework informally (full-time
employees must have 8 hours of work available from their alternate location) or take
unscheduled leave by using annual, family and personal, compensatory or overtime leave.
4. In the event of inclement weather, are departments able to grant employees permission
to leave earlier than a scheduled closing? What type of leave should be used?
Yes. Safety is the most important consideration. Supervisors and department heads must
use good and equitable judgment when permitting employees to leave earlier than a
scheduled closing remembering that the office/department must be able to provide
services until the university officially closes.
The length of time can be flexible depending upon the situation. Good judgment must be used by supervisors
and department heads to determine the likelihood that the circumstance is temporary and of short duration or will
be lengthy.