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Dignity at Work Process
Individual(s) feels they have been subjected to
dignity at work issue(s).
Step 1
Approach person(s) responsible if appropriate,
otherwise informal discussion between
complainant and line manager. (Next level
manager if complaint is against line manager).
Step 2
Further discussion between complainant and
manager how the issue can be resolved
suggest discussion between both parties.
Step 3
Manager leads discussion with both parties
Step 4
Informed explanation of mediation
Issue not
Issue not
Issue not
Outcome agreed
support / counselling
Process completed
If an issue is
uncovered that
needs further
investigation, the
manager will be
offered support
in terms of
gathering by an
party and a
decision will be
taken as to
whether to apply
the applicable
disciplinary policy
/ procedure.
Proceed through
appropriate disciplinary
policy and procedure
False allegations will be
handled through
disciplinary process
Refer to disciplinary
policy Initial
assessment stage
Issue identified as not serious
enough to invoke formal stages
of disciplinary policy
Issue resolved
Process completed
Management actions
e.g. transfer, change of
hours, coaching,
Issue resolved Agreed
actions shared with
individuals process
Issue not resolved
Where applicable the
matter may be raised
formally under the
Grievance Procedure
at Stage 2
Issue not resolved

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. | Harold Geneen