HTML Preview New Employee Induction Checklist page number 1.

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Getting a new employee started, comfortable and empowered and ensuring you have legal
issues covered is getting more and more complicated.
Bellow is a handy checklist to get your new employees “up to speed” as quickly as possible.
Work through this form with your new employee and have them sign it, or give it to your
manager or supervisor to work through with the new employee and have both of them sign it.
While it’s not whole induction story, (the employee might need on the job training or safety
training as well) it is a handy defensive tool if anything goes wrong later.
Does the employee have a “letter of offer” which states starting wage,
review periods, hours per week and legal basis of employment?
Does this meet the new national employment standards?
Has the employee received and filled in a Tax Form and has this been sent?
Has the employee been given the “ten items list” national employment
standards under the Fair Work Act?
Has the employee filled in an employment form showing
their bank account details, home address and emergency contacts?
Has the employee provided details of their superannuation account?
Has the employee been through this induction list?
Does the employee clearly understand that they have a
responsibility, along with you, to implement OHS?
Has the employee been notified of Fire Exits, Meeting Points,
and what to do in case of emergency?
If the employee works from home, has their home office been assessed for OHS?
Has the employee been notified of their shifts, starts and times?
Has the employee been notified of all company policies?
Have the payroll details been notified to the relevant people?
If the employee drives a company vehicle, has the insurance on the
vehicle been reviewed to take the new employee into account?
Has the employee been provided with uniforms, or advised which
clothing, hair and jewellery is unacceptable for safety reasons?
Does the employee know where the lunch room, toilets, fire escapes etc are?

We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is natures way of warning us to get busy. | Dr. Henry Link