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Letter of Offer to Purchase Real Estate
To Sanders Penshurst Estate Agents Sales Consultant___________________
33 Penshurst Street
Penshurst NSW 2222
Telephone: (02) 9570 4344
Facsimile: (02) 9570 7735
Property Address:
Purchaser(s): please advise full names for contract
Surname: ______________________________
Given Name: ___________________________
Mobile: _________ __Work ________________ Home ___________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Purchaser(s): please advise full names for contract
Surname: ______________________________
Given Name: ___________________________
Mobile: _________ __Work: _______________ Home ___________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
I/We hereby make the following offer to purchase the above Property upon the terms set out
in the contract:
Purchase Price: $________________________
Deposit: $______________________________
Settlement Date: ________________________
I/We acknowledge that this offer is our best and final offer ο YES ο NO
I/We understand that should we be purchasing the property prior to auction, I/We be
required to execute an unconditional contract in to waive cooling off rights.
Conditions Required (Private Treaty Only):
Signed by
Signed by
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