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October 19, 2001
TO: Personnel Representatives (via e-mail) (n)
FROM: Steve Lund
RE: Sample Salary Notification Letter for Unclassified Employees
The Joint Committee on Employment Relations approved the 2001-02 pay plan for
unclassified employees on October 3, 2001.
However, departments cannot notify employees of their salary increases until
AFTER the budget is finalized and approved by the Board of Regents. At this
point, the tentative date for release of salary notification letters is November 26.
You should plan on releasing the letters on November 26; I will notify you by e-mail if
that date is changed one way or the other.
A sample salary notification letter for current employees is attached.
Also attached is a sample letter for employees who were eligible for a pay plan increase
on July 1, 2001 but who terminated their employment (includes those who took another
position within the University). Under UW System and UW-Madison policies, they are
entitled to receive their budgeted pay plan increase even if they are not currently
employed. Please send this letter to their address of record found on W4IQ. If the letter
is returned as undeliverable, notify Kathleen O’Rourke-Benjamin of ECBS by e-mail
<[email protected]> so that the check is not sent to an erroneous address.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
xc: Deans/Directors (via e-mail) (a, b)

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf