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Lab Report Sheet
The Principle: The Dude Abides
The Theory: There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.
And it’s yours for the asking.
The Question: Does the F.P. exist?
The Hypothesis: If there’s a 24/7 energy force equally available to everyone, I
can access it at any time by simply paying attention. Furthermore, if I ask the force for a
blessing, give it a specific time frame, and clear instructions, it’ll send me a gift and say,
“my pleasure.”
Time required: 48 hours
Today’s Date: __________ Time:________________
Deadline for receiving gift: ____________________
The Approach: I hate to break it to ya, God, but folks are starting to talk. They’re
starting to wonder, “Is this guy for real?” I mean, really, like it’d be so much skin off
your chin to come down here and call off this crazy hide-and-seek thing you’ve been
playing. I’m giving you exactly 48 hours to make your presence known. I want a thumb’s
up, a clear sign, something that cannot be written off as coincidence.
Research Notes:___________________________________________________
We now have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and objective.”
-- Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Retired Theoretical Physicist

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss