To, Date:
Police Station In charge
Dear Sir,
Reg.: Lodging a complaint against mobile handset bearing IMEI No.
I / We would hereby like to inform you that my mobile handset purchased from The Mobile Store vide
/Certificate No……………dated ……/……/201 , bearing IMEI No.
been lost / stolen dated……/……/201…
Detail Description of Incident:
I / we was/ were using the service of (Mobile Service Provider name) and my 10 digit mobile
no. was I/we have already informed the service
provider to bar all the SIM services (including incoming & outgoing calls) against the aforementioned no.
letter in effect of same is attached herewith for your ready reference. I / We would hereby like to lodge a
complaint for the stolen mobile and request you to kindly assist us in finding the said mobile. As soon as
the said mobile is recovered kindly inform to me/us.
I /We would further request you to kindly let me / us know the reference no. (General diary / Daily diary
Thanking you
for our complaint; so that same can be used in future
Signature of the Insured Seal & Signature of Police Station
With address:
Place :