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2001 - Software Quality Engineering - Version 7.0
A - 25
Test Incident Report Template
(IEEE 829-1998)
Test Incident Report Identifier
Some type of unique company generated number to identify this incident report, its level and
the level of software that it is related to. The number may also identify what level of testing the
incident occurred at. This is to assist in coordinating software and testware versions within
configuration management and to assist in the elimination of incidents through process
This is a summation/description of the actual incident. Provide enough details to enable
others to understand how the incident was discovered and any relevant supporting information
such as:
References to:
Test Procedure used to discover the incident
Test Case Specifications that will provide the information to repeat the incident
Test logs showing the actual execution of the test cases and procedures
Any other supporting materials, trace logs, memory dumps/maps etc.
Incident Description
Provide as much details on the incident as possible. Especially if there are no other references
to describe the incident. Include all relevant information that has not already been included in
the incident summary information or any additional supporting information including:
Expected Results
Actual Results
Date and Time
Procedure Step
Attempts to Repeat
Describe the actual/potential damage caused by the incident. This can include either the
Severity of the incident and the Priority to fix the incident or both. Severity and Priority need to

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein