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This agreement is to sublet real property according to the terms specified below.
The sublessor (current tenant under a lease agreement with a landlord) agrees to sublet, and the
subtenant (person who wishes to rent from the tenant) agrees to take and pay for the premises
described below. Both parties agree to keep, perform, and fulfill the promises, conditions and
agreements expressed below:
1. SUBLESSOR: The sublessor is: _________________________________________.
2. SUBTENANT: The subtenant is: _________________________________________.
3. PREMISES: The location of the premises is:
4. TERM: The term of this sublease is __________________, beginning __________________,
20____ and ending __________________, 20____.
5. RENT PAYMENTS: The rent is $ ________ per ____________, payable in advance on the
____________ day of the month. The rent is payable to ________________ at
[address]. The subtenant agrees to pay the sublessor the first and last months’ rent upon signing
this agreement and the sublessor will be responsible to pay those months’ rent to the Landlord.
All other rent will be paid according to the terms described above.
6. AGREEMENT TERMINATION: The sublease agreement will terminate on
__________________, 20____. There shall be no holding over under the terms of this sublease
agreement under any circumstances. If it is necessary to bring an action to remove the subtenant,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney’s fees and costs as well as damages.
7. UTILITIES: All charges for utilities connected with premises which are to be paid by the
sublessor under the terms of the master lease shall be paid by ________________ for the term of
this sublease.
8. PROPERTY CONDITION: Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the sublessor the
premises and all furniture and decorations within the premises in as good a condition as they
were at the beginning of the term, reasonable wear and tear excepted. The subtenant will be
liable to the sublessor for any damages occurring to the premises or damage to or loss of the
contents thereof or to the building which are done by the subtenant or his guests.
9. INVENTORY FORM: If any furniture or other personal property of the sublessor is to be
left at the premises, the sublessor will provide the subtenant with an inventory form within three
(3) days of taking possession.
10. ORIGINAL LEASE: The sublease agreement incorporates and is subject to the original

Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching. | George Van Valkenburg