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1. Introductions
Leader and assistant leader names and contact info
Parent introductions
Basic communication expectations & preferences (call, email, text, etc.)
2. Meeting Basics
Time of meeting
Place of meeting
Troop and SU number
Attendance guidelines (call if you aren’t coming, etc.)
Forms: Parent Questionnaire (optional); Health History (needed before any activities involving risk are planned)
GS membership and $15 national dues is required for each girl - the leader can register all girls or parents can.
3. Troop Program (use Why Girl Scouts in your troop packet for reference or download at
The Girl Scout Mission
The GS Keys to Leadership: Discover, Connect, Take Action
The GS Program
Leadership Journeys
The Girls’ Guide to Girl Scouting
4. Troop Support
Running a great troop requires the support of all parents & caregivers.
Use the Parent Involvement Form (optional) to get information about how families are willing to help.
All adults who will work with girls need to complete a volunteer application and criminal background check. Drivers for
field trips need good driving records and must have car insurance. (Share the handout: Becoming a Troop Volunteer)
5. Plans for the Year
Share any plans that are made or talk about how plans will be made.
Signed permission slips are required each time the troop travels or meets outside of the regular troop meeting.
Magazine, nuts and chocolates program is in the fall and the Cookie Program is in the winter/spring.
Girls learn valuable business and financial literacy skills through these programs. They also earn money to put toward
troop activities and support regional service to girls and volunteers.
6. Troop Finances
Identify what girls and parents will pay for each year. (Usually includes books, uniforms, troop dues, national
membership dues)
Identify what the troop will pay for each year. (Usually program supplies, troop equipment, service projects, field trips
and events, and transportation)
Financial assistance is available for membership dues and books/uniform components if needed.
7. Thank You
It takes a village to support a successful GS troop.
Girls will gain courage, confidence and character because of caring adults—like us!
Parent Meeting Agenda

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart. | Sr. Thomas Watson