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Investor Newsletter
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Tuesday, October 22, take part in
pre-conference tours and trips
Go in depth with Trevin Farms Goat
Dairy, B&B in Sudbury
Visit Champlain Orchards in
Shoreham to learn from a NOFA VT
Farm to Community Mentor about
Þeld trip programming
Tour a stunning barn turned wedding
venue at Isham Family Farm in
Williston, Vermont.
Learn the ins and outs of Burger Night
which attracts 500 people weekly to
Bread & Butter Farm in S. Burlington
Discover the innovative, hands-on,
Chick to Plate project for teens in
Explore Shelburne Farms for the full
day with ABC’s of Farm-Based
Education, where Shelburne Farms
staff will inspire your farm-based
Get a seat on the full day trip to the
Champlain Islands and visit farms
that offer outstanding opportunities
for agritourism and education
Dinner on the 22nd will feature
entertainment and locally grown,
locally prepared fare, which the
whole family can graze on.
Enhancing Your Marketing
Nuts and Bolts of Business
Making Your Farm Business
Special:How to Identify &
Promote Your Attributes
Intro to Search Engine
Online Event Registration
Sharpen Your Online
Communication Tools
Bringing Kids to the Farm, and
the Farm to Kids through Film
Insurance, Liability and Safety
Resources for Your Open Farm
Tools for Risk Management
Centered Decision Making in
Your Farm as Your Classroom
Summer Camp 101
Curriculum Design for Effective
On-Farm Learning
Open Minds, Dirty Hands:
Fifteen Programs That Worked
(and some that didn't)
Special Events: A(dvertising) to
OCTOBER 22, 23 2013
Presenters from near and far are
excited to share their expertise!
Billings Farm and Museum ¥ Woodstock, VT
Durkee Insurance • Fair Haven, VT
Grand View Farm ¥ Washington, VT
Liberty Hill Farm • Rochester, VT
Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation
NOFA Vermont Farm to Community Mentors
Northeast Kingdom Travel & Tourism Assn.
Pam Knights Communications ¥ NorthÞeld, VT
Shelburne Farms • Shelburne, VT
Someday Farm • Dorset, VT
Stone Barns Center • Pocantico Hills, NY
Tamarack Media ¥ Burlington, VT
UNH Extension
UVM Extension
VT Department of Tourism & Marketing
VT Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
Vermont Farm Tours
Vermont Farm To Plate
...and more!
Tuesday, October 22
7:30 am Registration Opens
9 - 4:30 Field Trips, Farm Tours
5:30 pm Dinner
6:30pm Welcome from VT Secretary of
Agriculture, Chuck Ross and
Commissioner Megan Smith VT
Dept. of Tourism & Marketing
Wednesday, October 23
7:30 am Registration Opens
8 - 9:00 Welcome
Beth Kennett, Liberty Hill Farm
Gloria Bruce, Northeast Kingdom
Travel & Tourism Association
Megan Camp, Shelburne Farms
9:15 - 10:45 Workshop Session I
11 - 12:30 Workshop Session II
12:45 - 2:15 Lunch
2:30 - 3:30 Workshop Session III
3:45 - 4:45 Workshop Session IV
5 - 5:30 Closing
October 22 - 23, 2013
REGISTER http://vtfarmedforum2013.eventbrite.com SCHOLARSHIPS http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PYMXG33
LEARN MORE www.farmbasededucation.org/events/forum
December 2014. Top: (L to R), table setting, Sandiwood Farm; calf feeding, Emergo Farms Bed & Breakfast; wagon ride, Cedar Circle Farm (Rori Kelleher)
Business & Financial Planning
Visitors relax with tasting plates outside of barn
at Jericho Settlers’ Farm, Jericho, VT during a
spring open house. (Vera Simon-Nobes)
What’s Inside?
n What Is a Business Plan?
n Selecting Your Business Entity
n Setting Realistic Income Goals
n Budgeting
n Pricing
n Keeping Good Records
n Knowing When to Quit
n Financing
n Taxes, Permits, and Regulations
n Health Considerations
This chapter walks you through
the essential steps of starting or
expanding an agritourism business.
It describes how to navigate some of
the numerous taxes and regulations
that may be involved, with links to many
of the relevant laws and resources.
Many of the regulations covered here
are complex, and it is impossible to
cover every regulation that might
affect an agritourism operation.
You should consider contacting a
tax consultant, attorney or other
appropriate professional when
starting or expanding your business.
What Is a Business Plan?
A business plan claries the values, goals, challenges, and strategies of your
agritourism enterprise, allowing you to work through business decisions before
committing resources. It is vital to your success because it provides a clear
understanding of your agritourism enterprise to help guide and focus your
nancial and management decisions.
A business plan also may be helpful in securing nancing by providing lenders a
look at your nancial situation and expectations. The business plan should be a
dynamic document: it should be kept up-to-date and reevaluated periodically to
reect changes in your values, goals, challenges, and strategies.
The State of Vermont does not have
a commonly accepted denition for
agritourism, but many groups use this:
Agritourism is the business of
establishing farms as destinations for
education, recreation, and the purchase
of farm products. A farm visitor could
be from a city far away, or a neighboring
town. Examples of agritourism include
farm tours, tastings, dinners-in-the-eld,
farm stays, workshops, festivals, and the
direct sale of products through “pick-your-
own,” community-supported agriculture,
and many other avenues. Agritourism
activities connect visitors to Vermont’s
iconic working landscape.
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