HTML Preview Sample Of Appointment Letter For Part Time Employee page number 1.

Sub. : Appointment for the Post of …………………(part –time).
Dear Sir,
This has reference to your application dated the …………………in connection with your
part-time employment as………..……in our establishment. We have pleasure to offer you part-
time job in our establishment on the following:
Terms and conditions
1. Be it clearly understood and agreed that as a part-time employee, you will not have the
status of an employee nor you will be entitled to the privileges/benefits available to other
employees who are employed either on regular or temporary basis.
2. You will be paid a consolidated salary or Rs. ………….per month and no other
allowance will be payable.
3. Your duty hours shall be from …………………………….(specify the timings) which can
be changes according to the convenience of the Management and for exigencies of work
purely at the sole discretion of the Management.
4. You will be responsible for carrying out your work as assigned to you to the entire
satisfaction of the Management.
5. You will be punctual and regular in your duties and will not absent yourself without prior
permission of the Management.
6. The Management shall have every right to terminate your services at any time without
assigning any reasons therefore by giving you one week’s notice or salary in lieu thereof.
In case the above terms and conditions of service are acceptable to you, please sign and
return the carbon copy of the offer of appointment in token of your acceptance to the same.
Authorised Signatory
I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by the same.
Signature of the candidate

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley