HTML Preview Daily Preschool Schedule page number 1.

8:00 - 8:25 a.m. Arrival Time
Centers, Manipulatives, Free Play
8:25 8:30 a.m. Clean-up/Bathroom Break
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Opening Time
Welcome Song, Daily Jobs Chart, Calendar,
Weather, Feelings, Senses, Letters, Numbers,
Shapes, Colors, Story, Prayer, Memory Verse,
Games, Songs used to help reinforce opening time
9:00 9:20 a.m. Recess
Physical Exercise, Large Motor Skills, Hikes
9:20 9:30 a.m. Return to Class/Clean-up/Bathroom Break
9:30 9:55 a.m. Snack
9:55 10:00 a.m. Clean-up/Bathroom Break
10:00 11:00 a.m. Core Curriculum Activities
Art, Motor Skills Practice, Crafts, Thematic Series
Enrichment, Small Groups, One-on-One, Music
(songs/chants), Science, Math, Felt Board, Drama,
Water/Sand Table
11:0011:10 a.m. Clean-up/Bathroom Break
11:10 11:30 a.m. Bible Connection/Show ‘n Tell Time
Scripture/Bible Story (1 morning/week Show ‘n Tell)
11:30 12:00 noon Lunch
12:00 – 12:15 p.m. Clean-up/Bathroom Break
12:15 12:30 p.m. Recess
12:30 12:45 p.m. Return to Class/Clean-up/Bathroom Break
Prepare for Nap (cots, books, quiet time)
12:45 2:30 p.m. Nap Time
2:00 2:30 p.m. Awake older 4’s and 5’s (quiet reading/workbooks)
2:30 3:15 p.m. Clean-up/Bathroom Break/Preparation to Leave
End-of-Day Activity/Game/Hike

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi