HTML Preview Letter Of Employment Verification For Landlord page number 1.

Letter from landlord
In order for someone to be granted a visitor visa for the UK they need to show that
accommodation is available. If you intend for your visitor to stay with you, you must
have appropriate accommodation. This accommodation must be large enough for
your visitor to live in with you comfortably. For advice on the appropriate number of
bedrooms/living space needed please contact IST.
If you are renting property you will need a letter from your landlord confirming the
Who s/he is and what their relationship is to you (e.g. Landlord,
accommodation manager).
The address of the property.
How many bedrooms the property has and the number of reception rooms
(e.g. living room, dining room).
That they are aware you wish to bring visitor to the UK and they will be
staying with you.
That they are happy for your visitor to live with you in the property.
That the property is for your exclusive use.
Below is an example of a landlord letter.
Landlord’s personal or business address
To the Entry Clearance Officer, British Embassy
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Visitors of <student’s name>
I, <landlord’s name> am the landlord/manager of the property <address of property>
in which <student’s name> is currently residing. This property has <number of
bedrooms and reception rooms>.
I have been informed that <student’s name> has invited someone to visit him/her in
the UK whilst s/he studies. I am happy for the visitor to be accommodated in the
property named above and that the accommodation is suitable for a visitor to reside
in whilst in the UK. I confirm that the property is for the exclusive use of <student’s
name> and their visitor
Yours faithfully
<landlords signature>
<landlords name>

Your income is directly related to your philosophy, NOT the economy. | Jim Rohn