HTML Preview 29 Donation Thank You Note page number 1.

Donation Thank You Note Sample _________________
Dear ________________,
We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous contribution to the (name of Local
Council). Because of the generosity of individuals like you, we are able to do the very important work
of strengthening the families in our county to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Your contribution of (Post the $$ Amount) during April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month will help fund
our prevention programming throughout the year including: Safe Sleep education (insert other Local
Council endeavors).
In donating to our council you are using your “Power of One” to help our children thrive. They are our
future. Thank you again!
(Insert Council Salutation including name, organization name, position, email address and
phone number)
We welcome further inquiries about program information and/or how to become a council member.
The (Name of Local Council) is a not for profit organization. (Note if the organization is a 501c3 or
its equivalent)

Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is. | Seth Godin