HTML Preview Socratic Seminar Observation Checklist page number 1.

Socratic Seminar Observation Checklist
Your Name:________________________ Partner’s Name:________________________
Directions: Each time your partner does one of the following put a check in the box.
Speaks in the discussion
Makes eye contact with other speakers or as she/he speaks
Refers to the text
Asks a new or follow-up question
Responds to another speaker
Paraphrases and adds to another speaker’s ideas
Encourages another participant to speak
Interrupts another speaker
Engages in side conversation
Dominates the conversation
AFTER the discussion: What is the most interesting thing your partner said?
AFTER the discussion: What would you like to have said in the discussion?

Fire the committee. No great website in history has been conceived of by more than three people. Not one. This is a deal breaker. | Seth Godin