Employee name: Rev. John Smith
For the month of: January
January 17-18
January 17
January 17-18
January 17
Mileage to conference
Meals at conference
Sunday school teacher’s guide
Description of Expense
$ 255.92
$ 53.25
$ 120.00
$ 53.00
$ 482.17
$ 200.00
$ 282.17
Business Purpose Amount
Mileage (457x.56)
Ministry expense/books
Minus advance
Total reimbursement due
Sample: Expense Report
The church hereby establishes an accountable reimbursement plan for all ministers and employees
with the following terms and conditions intended to comply with all applicable tax rules.
The church will reimburse only reasonable ministry-related business expenses incurred by a
minister or employee. Subject to budget limitations, these expenses will include:
Business use of automobile, up to the current IRS standard mileage rate
Business travel away from home: Transportation, lodging and meals on
ove r n ight t r ips
Convention, conference and workshop expenses
Continuing education expenses
Subscriptions, books and software, if related to ministry or employment
Entertainment/hospitality expenses, if business connection requirement is met
The minister or employee will account for each allowable expense in writing at least every 60 days.
Documentation will include the amount, date, place, business purpose and business relationship
of any person entertained for each expense. A receipt will accompany the documentation.
The minister or employee will return advances that exceed actual business expenses within 120 days.
Under this accountable arrangement the church will not report reimbursed amounts as taxable
income on the minister’s or employee’s Form W-2. The minister or employee should not report
reimbursed amounts as income on his or her federal income tax return.
Sample: Accountable Reimbursement Plan
Sample forms and reports