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UACES Treasurer
Responsibilities as a Trustee
To ensure that the Association complies with its Constitution (i.e. our governing
document), charity law and any other relevant legislation or regulations;
To ensure that the Association pursues its objects as defined in its Constitution;
To ensure the Association applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects;
To contribute actively to the Committees’ (i.e. the board of Trustees) role in giving firm
strategic direction to the Association, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting
targets and evaluating performance;
To safeguard the good name and values of the Association.
Responsibilities as an Officer
Maintaining an overview of the Association's affairs;
To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Association;
To ensure the financial stability of the Association and to ensure the proper investment of
the charity's funds.
Responsibilities as Treasurer
Keeping the Committee informed about its financial duties and responsibilities and
advising on the financial implications of the Association's strategic plans;
Overseeing, approving and presenting budgets, accounts and financial statements, with a
formal presentation each year at the Annual General Meeting;
Ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained;
Liaising with staff about any financial matters;
Authorising payments and signing cheques as required;
Ensuring that End of Year accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required and
that there is external scrutiny of aforementioned accounts, with implementation of any
recommendations made by the independent examiner and/or auditor;
To convene and chair the Investment working group and to ensure that the charity has an
appropriate reserves and investment policy;
To convene and chair other working groups of the Committee as required;
Oversight and management of the selection procedure for the UACES Scholarships;
Contributing to the fundraising strategy of the Association;
Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels as required.

My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job. | Ted Turner