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ISDB Newsletter • Page 1 • VOL. 20, N° 3 (Special issue on INNs),NOVEMBER 2006
INN: an essential tool
drug’s INN is its internationally recognised scientific
name. Employed both by patients and healthcare pro-
fessionals the INN frees users from the commercial names
used by the drug companies.
INNs restore each player to his or her proper role: the
prescriber can concentrate on patient care, the pharmacist
on monitoring drug treatments, and the patients on the
informed use of drugs.
With consumers and patients being bombarded with
advertising for brand names (TV commercials for direct-to-
consumer advertising in the United States), it is high time
for healthcare professionals, consumers and healthcare
providers to unite and promote not-for-profit education that
uses drugs’ real names, i.e. INNs.
ISDB bulletins can play a great role in favor of INN use
(see results of ISDB survey on INN use pages 2-14).
INN prescribing and dispensing should be professional
practice; it contributes to rational drug use, reduces waste,
and prevents medication errors. In short, it promotes better
care (see “Think INN, Prescribe INN, Dispense INN” pages
Trying to teach INN use to readers is an important issue.
Pijus Sakar in Bodhi’s March-April editorial couldn’t have
been clear-
er: “How
many doctors
in our country
use on principle
INNs in their prescrip-
tions? The number by all esti-
mates must be microscopic and that it is a pity. (…) Some
prescribers yield to the prevailing culture and toe the line.
We want to remind them that it is not merely a question of
using one name for another. It is on the other hand, a con-
flict of two cultures; a choice between the role of a stooge
of some giant pharmaceutical companies and the still
small voice of conscience. () Let us start using INNs in
our prescriptions. Let us make the commitment today, for
tomorrow may be too late.
Campaigning for INN use is spreading thanks to ISDB
bulletins (see Bulletin Roundup on pages 12-13). It will
take more than a few months for INNs to be widely
adopted, and it will take determination, patience and
persuasion. With INNs, everything is simpler, clearer
and more precise. Lets continue to regularly push in
favor of INNs!
ISDB Survey on INN
Use of INNs among members ......................................................2
Good professional practice
Think INN, prescribe INN, dispense INN ......................................5
INNs and generics: different things..............................................11
INN use: proposals for improvement............................................11
Bulletins Roundup ........................................................................12
Primary research on INN issues
Prescribing drugs by INN ............................................................14
A survey on the place of INN in initial education ........................14
Editorial methods
Leaflets in favor of INN use ........................................................15
Common stem ............................................................................16
Good sources
WHO INN website ......................................................................17
November 2006
News of ISDB
Executive committee meeting: minutes ...................................18
Ongoing campaigns
Joint Declaration: Relevant Health Information
for Empowered Citizens ..........................................................19
ISDB survey on INN use: complete answers
to the questionnaire ..................................................................20

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