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Checklist for Turning in Monthly Work
1a. Take out one piece of work for each subject (for PE, you may NOT use the log).
1b. DO NOT write “Audit” on the pieces of work you turn in for the audit file.
1c. Heading for each piece of work is in the RIGHT top corner of the page
1d. Make sure the heading has these four things in it:
Note: the date is to be the day you did the work, NOT the day
you are turning it in.
• If the Assignment name is already part of the title of the work, it’s OK not to put it in
the heading in the right top corner (in such a case, just name, course, and date are fine).
1e. Date on each piece of work is within the actual dates for this school month.
1f. DO NOT staple the audit file papers together. Paper clip is OK.
1g. Keep the packet of audit file pieces separate from the subject work packets.
2a. Cover sheet on top of each packet (CORRECT cover sheet)
2b. All the work on the cover sheets is checked off (or comment written for the
subject teacher to see).
2c. Put the work in order as shown on the cover sheet.
2d. If a cover sheet requires parent signature, get it!
2e. Check for other cover sheet requirements (such as math: heading on each page…).
2f. These packets SHOULD be stapled. Be careful if you just paper clip them, because
teachers get many packets, and if any pages become separated from your packet while
packets are moved around, your subject teachers won’t be able to give you credit for
that work.
3. PE:
3a. Use the cover sheet (available in room 3 and on the website).
3b. Here are some hints to help you do this right:
Cover sheet must have verification signature of a parent (or else log doesnt count).
Log shows 200 minutes+ each week, 4 or more days each week, varied
activities (or varied parts of one major activity) in detail.
Assessment paragraph is 150 words (C-) to 200 words (B), thoughtfully done,
typed. A grades are for work beyond what is required ( > 200 words).
Content/research work must be carefully and thoughtfully done. Grade level
assignments are available online; go to
All work must be typed unless its filling in a log or a worksheet.
3c. For the audit file, print out a second copy of the assessment paragraph or the
physical education content work. Make sure the audit file paper is an original (in case
you copy a handout…the original must go in the audit file).
4. ON TIME: By 3:05 on Friday, last day of the attendance month, or before that day.
Note: It may NOT come in after 3:05 on that Friday (or else the student earns zero
attendance credit for the entire month).
Rev. 082314

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