To gainfully utilize 40+ years of Banking / Administrative experience in any of the
following fields:
Advisor / Consultant: For Financial Services Sector Companies or Companies
engaged indirectly in such services.
Senior Level Managerial Job: Administrative role in a Mid / Large Corporate /
Organization engaged in Manufacturing / Trading / Services.
Human Resources : Mentoring / Coaching / Training of Banking Personnel
(Specialization in Credit related areas) and matters related to Recruitment &
Selection of Banking Personnel.
Banking/Finance: Formalizing Operational matters, Control & Supervision
Mechanism and Risk Management.
Credit: Providing useful inputs for taking exposure to Credit related matters and
Financial Planning. Recovery of loans and Recovery Mechanism. Credit Appraisal
and Post Sanction Supervision including check points etc. and framing Policy
guidelines thereof.
1. Headed Bank of India’s National Banking Group (North) as General Manager since
14-10-2010 till the time of superannuation on 31-10-2012.
The unit consists of 10 Zones spread over 780 branches and Business Mix of 65000
crores in the States of J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Delhi.
2. General Manager at Bank’s Head Office at Mumbai from 01-12-2009, entrusted with
credit portfolio of appx. 20,000 crores.
3. Shouldered the responsibilities of Bank as Zonal Manager at Varanasi (40 Branches,
Business Mix 1,000 crores), Indore (52 Branches, Business Mix 3,000 crores) and
Chandigarh(55 Branches, Business Mix 7,000 crores) during 2005 to 2009.
4. Worked in Bank’s Head Office, Credit Deptt. and New Delhi Corporate Banking
Branch during 2000 to 2004.
5. Posted in Singapore Branch of the Bank from Sep-1996 to Jan-2000 responsible for
Credit Portfolio of the Branch.
6. Worked in Bank’s Head Office Credit Department from Sep-1994 to Sep-1996.
7. Assumed various responsibilities as a Manager of Branches & Headed Credit /
Foreign Exchange & Human Resources department in Branches / Zonal Offices
during 1971 to 1994.
8. Out of 41 years of Banking Career, more than 20 years worked in Credit
Appraisal and Credit Monitoring area. (Posting details as per Annexure)