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(Sample student teaching resume – Undergraduate Inclusive Program)
2335 Main Street • Syracuse, New York 13201[email protected] Cell (315) 555-1111
EDUCATION Nazareth College of Rochester SUNY College at Fredonia
Bachelor of Arts – Double Major Liberal Arts Coursework
Inclusive Childhood/Middle Childhood Education Completed 30 credit hours
English Literature (9/10-5/11)
May 2014
Elizabeth Remington Scholarship
CERTIFICATIONS New York State Initial Certification (anticipated 5/14)
Childhood Education (Gr. 1-6)
Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood Level (Gr. 1-6)
Middle Childhood Education (Gr. 5-9): Content Specialist – English
Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Middle Childhood Level (Gr. 5-9)
FIELD Rochester City School District, Rochester, NY (5/13-6/13)
EXPERIENCE Grades 6-8, 6:1:1 Setting, Monroe Middle School – Practicum
Provided daily support to students with learning disabilities and emotional disturbances,
focusing on learning styles and diversity of learners.
Collaborated with special education and developmental teachers, in addition to crisis
intervention specialist to determine appropriate behavioral and academic interventions.
Helped individual students and taught whole group lessons, meeting different ability levels
and emotional needs.
Pittsford Central School District, Pittsford, NY (Spring 2013)
Grade 4 Inclusion Class, Thornell Road School - Professional Development School
Completed case study on student with a learning disability, including assessment and
recommendations. Designed and taught activity to student based on results.
Developed science lesson on oceans based on state standards; included interactive
components and cooperative learning groups.
Participated in parent conferences and multi-disciplinary team meetings.
Monroe BOCES #1, Fairport, NY (Fall 2012)
Learned process of needs identification, IEP development, assessment, and follow-through for
students with multiple handicaps, ages 7-10, in 12:1:1 setting. Attended team meetings.
Rochester City School District, Rochester, NY (Spring 2012)
Grade 1, George Mather Forbes School #4 - Provided help to students individually and in small
groups in reading and math. Helped facilitate language arts learning center. Learned varied
instructional strategies and approaches to behavior management.
RELATED Camp Good Days & Special Times, Rochester, NY (Summers 2009-Present)
EXPERIENCE Counselor - Provide support and supervision to youth, ages 5-15, with serious and terminal
illnesses. Work closely with peers in a teamwork environment to plan programs and discuss
individual camper concerns. Communicate with parents and family members.
COLLEGE Lorette Wilmot Library, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY (8/10-5/12)
EMPLOYMENT Reference Desk - Assisted patrons with location and selection of materials. Communicated
effectively with faculty, staff, students and community members.

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. | Pierre Corneille