HTML Preview Duty Policy page number 1.

City of Long Beach
Department of Human Resources
Subject: JURY DUTY Effective: 7/10/01
Number: 3.5 Page 1 of 3
An eligible employee who is duly summoned to any court for the purpose of jury service
shall be entitled to receive regular pay during such service for all regularly scheduled
work hours up to a maximum of 80 hours in a calendar year.
A. Eligibility
1. All permanent full-time and part-time employees
2. All full-time temporary and seasonal employees
B. Conditions
1. Employee must immediately inform their supervisor upon receipt of a jury
duty summons. Departments may require employee to bring in the jury
duty summons for verification.
2. While serving on day court, an employee working other than a normal
day shift will have their work schedule changed to the day shift for each
day they are on jury service and are scheduled to work.
3. An employee is not entitled to overtime or to a change in work schedule
should jury service fall on a City holiday, a regularly scheduled day off, or
when serving on night court.
4. If not required to appear in court prior to 10:00 a.m., an employee must
report to work, provided there is sufficient time to arrive at court when
5. Employees must report to work if released from jury duty service in time
to arrive at work at least 2 hours prior to the completion of the shift.

Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”