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The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII)
Established in 1968, MII is a leading
educational and training institution, providing
internationally recognized qualications
and training programmes in insurance, risk
management and nancial planning.
The Institute of Risk Management (IRM)
The Institute of Risk Management is a
professional body that leads the development
of risk profession through the professional
education & life long learning.
For more information please visit IRMs
website at
Full Course Fee : RM11,000 (HRDF claimable)
( exclude 6% GST )
50% subsidy fee or RM 5,500 by Capacity
Building Fund for participants from PIAM
and LIAM member companies
Other Financing - CIRM is approved for EPF
withdrawal to nance your course fee.
Payment Policy
MII practices a non-credit policy. All companies
and individuals are required to make payment
(cash/money order/credit card) at least two
weeks before the commencement of the
course. We regret to inform that we do not
accept personal cheque.
Enrolment for the revised International Certicate is open now
The International Certicate in Risk Management is a practical qualication that provides
a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of risk and risk management.
International Certicate modules
Principles of Risk and Risk Management Practice of Risk Management
International Certicate
The qualication is the entry level qualication for anyone embarking on a career in risk
management or working in a risk-related discipline who requires a better appreciation of
enterprise risk management.
The International Certicate is the rst step towards becoming professionally qualied in risk
management. Successful completion of the International Certicate enables you to apply
for Certicant membership and use the internationally recognised membership designation
The aim of the International Certicate in Risk Management is to:
• Provideanintroductiontotheprinciplesandconceptsofriskandriskmanagement
• Provideanintroductiontothepracticeofriskmanagement
• Provideanunderstandingofthemulti-disciplinarynatureofriskmanagementwithinan
• Provideanunderstandingofcurrentriskmanagementthinking,standardsandregulations
across the world
• ProvideanentryroutetotheInternationalDiplomainRiskManagement
Course Methodology
• Interactive approach comprising of lectures, discussions, individual and group activities
and case study.
• Online student support
• All lectures will be conducted in English by IRM certied and experienced lecturers.
Who should take this qualication
You should take the International Certicate, if you are:
• Newly practising and seeking a formal professional qualication in risk management
• Requiring an entry route to our postgraduate professional qualication, the International
• Qualied in a complementary discipline and looking to enhance your knowledge of
enterprise risk management, for example:
Accountants, bankers, lawyers etc
Advisors on governance
Engineers or surveyors
Insurance underwriters, claims handlers, brokers and client managers
Loss adjusters
Project, programme and change managers
Safety, health and environment professionals
Qualication in Enterprise Risk Management
A qualication and training framework has been agreed for MII to provide the IRM International Certicate in Risk
Management, for the Malaysian market. Although the IRM qualications are normally studied on-line and by distance
learning, MII will additionally be oering classroom-based study (the rst provider in the world to do so).
Fee 6% GST Total
11,000 660 11,660

We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is natures way of warning us to get busy. | Dr. Henry Link