HTML Preview Receptionist Job Application Format page number 1.

Desk Receptionist
Application Form
I. General Information: Please Print or Type
II. Scheduling Information:
Do you anticipate anything that may take time away from working as a DR? (This may include
study abroad, clinicals, athletics, etc.) Yes / No
If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________
MUID: ___________________________ SSN: ___________________________
Current Address: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________
City, State, Zip: ________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________
Summer Address: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________
2010-11 Address: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________
City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________________________
Academic Classification for 2010-11 Fr So Jr Sr Grad
Degree Program: _____________________________ Graduation date: ______
Are you presently in good conduct standing with the University and Residence Life? Yes / No
If no, please explain: _________________________________________________________________
Average number of hours you will be available to work during: Summer 2010 ________
Fall 2010 ________
Spring 2011 ________
Are you willing to work:
1. At least two weeks during winter break? Yes / No
2. During Thanksgiving break? Yes / No
3. During spring break? Yes / No
4. During Easter break? Yes / No
5. During senior week? Yes / No
6. Summer 2011? Yes / No
Note: All DRs are expected to work either Thanksgiving or Easter break. Additionally, ALL
Apartment area DRs are expected to work over breaks, such as winter and spring.
Do you anticipate having Federal Work Study? Yes / No / Unsure
Please note that everyone is expected to attend fall training in August and work during the
opening of the residence halls.

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost. | Unknown