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Smithy Bridge Primary school
carried out by Michelle Walker, Technical & Admin Support Assistant
on 8
July 2014
Policies and procedures
Curriculum areas
Action plan
As part of Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Councils health and safety monitoring process, your
school has recently been through a health and safety audit.
The audit is a tool used to determine the effective implementation of the school’s health and safety
standards. This report has been prepared to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your health
and safety management system. It provides recommendations for consideration, giving a basis
from which continuous improvement to the standards of health and safety can be made.
The audit was conducted by reviewing the school’s health and safety documentation and
procedures. This was followed by a tour of the site and associated buildings. In the time available
the audit did not confirm every activity affecting the school, although every effort has been made
to identify a realistic picture.
The report only comments on the conditions observed, information supplied and impressions
gained at the time of the visit and should not be taken as identifying all areas of possible unsafe
conditions and/or contravention of statutory requirements.
Legal Responsibilities
The health and safety responsibilities within a foundation school lie with the Headteacher and
governing body.
The governing body, having control of the premises, must take reasonable steps to ensure the
building, equipment and materials are safe and do not put the health of persons at risk whilst they
are on the premises.
The Headteacher, with delegated responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school, has
a particular role in ensuring that the governing body’s health and safety policies and procedures
are carried out. The Headteacher and governing body may adopt the Local Authoritys health and
safety policies and practices or, if they prefer, can produce their own.
There is evidence of a positive health and safety culture within the school, with particularly strong
commitment from the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Site Manager. Record keeping
standards within the school are excellent, with all current documentation being complete and
readily to hand.
Whilst no significant concerns were noted on the day of the audit, recommendations for minor
improvements are included within the report. The main issue was the lack of servicing records for
the outdoor play equipment, however evidence was provided that this is already being addressed.

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart. | Sr. Thomas Watson